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Best Places to See the Northern Lights Best Places to See the Northern Lights At Finland’s Kakslauttanen Resort, you don’t even need to get out of bed to catch the northern lights. Gaze up through your glass-domed igloo, and you’ll drift off to sleep as emerald green, fuchsia, and indigo streaks light up the night sky.North of the Arctic Circle in the vast Finnish Lapland, surrounded by towering pines, it’s a surreally beautiful plac.. 더보기
How to Photograph the Northern Lights Pulsing green curtains and darting, twisting swirls of greens and reds...forests topped by a green mist and twitching displays over fells and mountains.Seeing the Northern Lights—also known as the aurora borealis—can be a magical experience, and one you'll instantly want to capture on camera. It takes some preparation, but photographing the aurora borealis (or aurora australis if you're in the s.. 더보기
Best Places to Stay to See the Northern Lights Best Places to Stay to See the Northern Lights Ragnar Th. Sigurdsson / ARCTIC IMAGES Ragnar Th. Sigurdsson / ARCTIC IMAGES These eight hotels offer comfort and luxury in addition to prime sightings of the aurora borealis. The aurora borealis, or Northern Lights, occurs when charged particles from the sun collide with atoms in the Earth’s atmosphere, a phenomenon that happens most often near the .. 더보기
멘델스 빙하동굴 멘델 빙하동굴 더보기
우유니 사막 볼리비아 우유니사막 볼리비아 더보기
사랑의 터널 우크라이나 AAA® Official SiteGet Exclusive Member Deals and 24/7 Roadside Assistance. Join Today!aaa.com Ad covers the pageStop seeing this adIt's gone. UndoWhat was wrong with this ad?RepetitiveIrrelevantInappropriateThanks for the feedback! BackWe’ll review this ad to improve your experience in the future.Help us show you better ads by updating your ads settings.Thanks for the feedback! UndoWe’ll use.. 더보기
케논 랜즈족보 DSLR에 대해 잘 모르는 사용자가 렌즈를 구입하기 위해 이것저것 알아보다보면 낫선 용어에 당황할 때가 있다.마치 어른들이 신조어에 물음표를 백만개 쯤 그리는 것과 마찬가지라고 보면 될 것이다.특히, 중고장터에서는 아래와 같은 용어를 자주 사용하기 때문에 DSLR 취미를 가진 캐논 유저라면 알아둘 필요가 있다. 카메라 및 렌즈의 제조 회사는 캐논, 니콘, 소니, 시그마, 탐론, 칼짜이즈 등이 있는데, 이 중 캐논 렌즈를 일컷는 별명, 용어를 설명하려고 한다.아래 설명한 용어를 통해 캐논 렌즈군의 이해를 조금이나마 돕고자 한다.인기 있는 렌즈 일부 및 가성비가 뛰어난 렌즈 일부와 별명을 갖고 있는 렌즈에 대해서 소개해 본다. (모든 렌즈가 별명을 갖고 있지는 않음) ▶ 캐논 렌즈 별명 (Canon) 아래의.. 더보기
[사진]스티브 맥커리의 사진 구도 잡는 팁 9가지 3분 안에 보는 스티브 맥커리의 사진 구도 잡는 팁 9가지 9 Photo Composition Tips (feat. Steve McCurry) 더보기
[사진팁] 16 Camera Hacks 16 Camera Hacks To Take Flawless PicturesCultureTechNicoleBorland for A & DSince we're living in a world where everything we do, see, eat, drink, love, want (and on and on) are photographed, it's important to make those pics stand out. We're not all professional photographers (despite what our Instagram personas may suggest) and we don't all have the money to buy expensive add-ons and tools of t.. 더보기